"Live Life, Don't Let Life Live You!", circa 1986, by Mark Wariner

Hello and welcome to my world, my name is Mark Wariner and I will be your host through this journey of life or should I really say, website, podcast, videocast or, whatever you would like to think. You decide and I’ll wait . . . . NOT!

Funny business aside, let me get straight to the point. I will not sit here and bore you with details, let’s just say, this calling found me, eventually.  Many years ago I was feeling depressed and the thought of going nowhere in life, I could not find a way to cope. I hid from my family and my friends. At some point, my options were limited so I thought. And one day I realized there has to be more, much more.


" What I thought was simple, there has to be a better way to live this life we live in.
There has to be other options."

That one day came when it hit me really hard and I had remembered the two words, Live Life. At that point, I spent a good year or two working hard to get a grasp on my life, and when I finally thought I was there…My trademark was found right where it needed to be found, in my heart. “Live Life, Don’t Let Life Live You!”

You thought it was going to be some long story and some sappy crap, am I right?  In fact, you’re partially right. I was simply having a hard time in life and I was the only person in control, and no one person could change that. Sure they could mentor me, guide me, and point me in the direction. And to be honest, that’s pretty much what happened over the years. That being said, once you listen to your heart, your mind and dig deep in your soul, you will find your way. Don’t ever stop looking and searching, it’s there, I promise!

Now that you know a little about the story, there are many backstories to tell. Let’s end this page and get on with what we are really working on. Podcasts, my travels, thoughts, and people that I run into. Look around the site, find my past podcasts, and give them a listen. I am not perfect, neither are you. One thing to make note of, if you give me a chance, if you give me a little respect, I promise you this.


Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me. Now, move on and don’t forget, I don’t bite so give me a shout out. I would love to hear your thoughts about life and your travels. We are in this life together, let’s live it to the fullest!

Some of my favorite words

Freedom, Live Life, Smile, Heart, Soul, Respect, Honor, Believe, Integrity, Love, Happiness, Merica, USA, America, Imagine, Family, Breathe

I almost forgot. I get asked all the time what does my trademark mean? Live Life, that’s a given. Don’t Let Life Live You. Now that’s a tricky one, it simply means Live Life, do not let things in life get you down, do not think that you have no options. It’s ok to be sad, or even mad at times. You can fix that. Only you can find that happiness you desire. So in the end, Don’t Let The Life Live You! And this is a hard one to swallow, do not ever end, your life that is.

Never end it, that’s not an option!